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Social Media Research Is A Thing?

The normal everyday person probably doesn't think about posting to social media platforms beyond a "I have this thought I'm going to share it with everyone I know." At SBC we know A LOT more goes into social media posting than the hope that people will like or share what you have to say.

Every three months our social media accounts team goes into in-depth research to make sure we give our clients an up-to-date and relevant social media strategy. We use our analytics to determine which days get the most engagement, what age groups like the page/posts and which posts are getting the most likes/shares/retweets.

We then research the best times to post of each platform we manage for clients, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram. We then tailer each client's posting schedule based on what days they are getting the most engagement to the peak times of each of these platforms.

When we are writing content ideas in the strategy, we scrap the ideas that aren't getting enough engagement and come up with fresh, new ideas to keep audiences interested in our client's pages. It's not easy, but it's well worth it when our clients get amazing engagement.

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