Colors (Besides Red!) That Work for Health & Medical Brands

Red is a color that demands attention and it is often used in brands related to health or medicine because it represents action and speed, which is why we find it in emergency or first-response services such as ambulances, fire trucks, emergency rooms, pharmacies, and the Red Cross. But being in the healthcare industry does not mean you will always offer emergency services, so red is not the only color that works.

Another popular color for the healthcare industry is blue, because it represents calmness and tranquility. It is also often associated with corporate America because it’s perceived as trustworthy, serious, and stable, so no wonder we find it a lot in hospitals and doctors’ offices.
With no doubt, white will also be one of the most popular colors used throughout the healthcare field. This is because white is clean, clear, and pure, all attributes any health and medical brand would like to have.
Do not limit yourself to these options only, however. Most importantly, think about your audience. Is your brand going to cater to mostly women? If so, you might need to take a more feminine or soft approach, such as light pink or purple. Or is your brand for children? You might want to consider a bright color like yellow. How about brands that use natural resources or ingredients? Green seems to be a good fit for this option.

Let’s not forget that these colors can be used for all supporting visuals besides the logo, such as graphic elements for your website, newsletters, social media visuals, brochures, ads, and more. I recommended that you do not use more than 3 colors in a logo, but you can also set a complimentary color palette to your logo. There are brands with one or two additional color palettes that will support the brand’s message in different channels or seasons. For this reason, here at SBC, we always create an extensive brand guide for all our clients to follow, especially when branding a national corporation with multiple locations. Such a guide can be as basic or as extensive as needed. In our design department, we make sure to include at a minimum the following items in all our clients’ brand guides:
tone and voice of the brand
all logo variations
primary and secondary color palettes
logo typography
supporting typography (for print or digital collateral use)
right and wrong ways to use the logo
recommendations for imagery use
Even though there are molds already stipulated for certain categories, there is nothing wrong with breaking the rules as long as you’re doing it with the right business goal in mind. Your goal should always consider your audience, brand personality, and mission. If you want to dive into a business strategy with new brand colors, we are here to help! Contact us today at 713.322.6481.