The Strategy Behind the Presidential Candidates’ Logo Designs
On any given day, we see hundreds (if not thousands) of logos for small businesses, corporations, and even for individuals. No matter the...

How to Design Websites for a Specific Target Audience
Ok, so you have developed this awesome logo and brand now what? Well it may be time to start thinking about; how you are going to reach...

Optimizing Your Personal Design Portfolio When Looking for Work
If you are looking to line up job interviews, having a successful and competitive design portfolio is a must. With these guidelines you...

How is Design Changing in 2016?
How is Design changing in 2016 and where will it go next? The traditional office environment, tools, processes, and technology have...

The Simple Do’s and Don’ts of Photoshop
Let’s be real, Photoshop is almost like magic… almost… but we don’t want to fall into the “big Photoshop fails” list so here are our top...

5 Essential Programs for Every Designer
Whether you are a designer or a newbie designer staying up to date with current market trends and software is key to this growing digital...