How to Master Photo Choices for Instagram

In our last social media blog, we discussed the importance of playing to Facebook’s algorithm to gain traction with your social media pictures. Despite Instagram and Facebook being linked platforms, their algorithms differ and your strategy should be altered. Let’s run through a few key differences before getting into specifics.
Allows links, blogs, web links that allow for website click-through’s
Punishes pages that use excessive text in their images or videos
Offers multiple ways to engage
Contains more in-depth company bios and messaging
Rewards long-form live video
Focused on more original content, not curation
Users look for more authentic and localized approach
Hashtags mean more.
Limited ways to interact, leads to more “likes”
Context is focused more in the picture not the text
Now that we have established a few key differences, our first suggestion is to use Instagram with a very different approach than Facebook. Sure, you can use the same image for both platforms at times, but the thought process can’t be the same. Paid advertisements exist in Instagram, but they need to be more authentic and focus more on company culture. Without the ability to drive conversions through links, the company experience becomes more vital on Instagram. Do you have a good camera and a designer who can work up pictures of office staff, office animals, or decorations for holidays? Mocking these photos up with a company logo or some fancy coloration will be appealing. However, there is such a thing as over-designing Instagram. Keep all edits natural looking. Users gravitate towards this platform due to its more natural and less forced feel than the others. Facebook and Twitter will dominate feeds with paid ads, but Instagram never will.

Okay so, you just got your Instagram account and you’re looking to get followers organically. Apply these five tips to every picture you post!
Does your picture tell a story when you look at it? What does it relate to? If you can’t think of what that picture means within 30 seconds, it’s not going to work.
Share high-quality images. As previously mentioned, a little touch up never hurt! Even if you are simply using an iPhone for picture taking, the quality is already high enough that it won’t take a ton of work.
Trendy hashtags will make or break you. Use as many hashtags as you can that will relate to the story the picture is telling.
Take pictures that relate to your audience. Study who follows you and find consistencies in their pictures or hashtags. Start designing your pictorial stories around their key interests.
Photograph people! Pictures of objects are fine, but smiling faces are even better. Motivating people in your office to jump on the Instagram train should get easier as the platform grows bigger each second!
If you need any social media assistance, Studio Brand Collective is always happy to help! Learn more by taking a peek at our services.