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5 Killer Online Newsletter Ideas for When You’ve Run Out

It’s that time again! Time to write the next company newsletter, and you find yourself struggling to figure out what to write about. You may be wondering, “Didn’t I write about this last time?” or “Haven’t they heard this before?” No worries. Below are five killer ideas that you can use for your next online newsletter.

The Scare Tactic

The scare tactic, or the educational tactic, is a great method to grab your readers’ attention and keep them engaged. For instance, healthcare company newsletters can include general topics about the flu season or health insurance policies. Since these are topics have become the norm for many readers, in your next newsletter, think about providing new and creative information that is more relevant to everyday life. For example, did you know that one of the most germ-infested areas in the entire office is actually the water cooler? Facts like this will help educate your readers and keep them more alert about topics in your industry.

Fun and Unique Holidays

Christmas is coming up, but there are so many other holidays to celebrate. Add some fun to your next newsletter by featuring fun and unique upcoming holidays like National Chocolate Covered Anything Day and even Crossword Puzzle Day! Give your readers topics that they can enjoy and even incorporate with their own businesses.

Employee Highlights/Confidence Boosters

Let’s face it, work can be stressful and it’s important to give recognition to the employees’ hard work. Take this time to shine a light on your employees that have helped make the company a success. Highlight someone’s work that they have contributed to a project or give thanks to someone that has helped out around the office. Even for the employees that may not have done anything significant in the past week, remind employees that their work is appreciated and give them a confidence booster to help them work harder and stay motivated.

Charity Work

Do your employees or your clients volunteer with any local charities? If not, this may spark their interest. Highlight an upcoming charity event in your next newsletter and ask your employees and your clients to get involved. People love to see local businesses participate in philanthropy work! This is a great way to build brand awareness and get involved in your community.

Behind-the-scenes Content

In your next newsletter, consider posting photos or video of your employees or the new, redesigned offices that everyone has been dying to see. Try posting a video of a client’s event or just a typical day at the office. Audiences love to see behind-the-scenes footage of a business in addition to what is face value. It’s a cost-effective way that allows readers to get to know the company on a more personal level.

Need some help with the execution of your company newsletter? Studio Brand Collective helps businesses and entrepreneurs across the Houston area improve their email newsletters’ open rates and engagement. Call us today at (713) 863-1141 to discuss how we can take your marketing material from boring to brilliant!

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