Time Out From Technology
In a world where almost everything we do revolves around technology, it’s hard to get away from it all. We sleep with our e-mail alerts on, our phones by our bed, and our TVs playing in the background. It’s hard to relax when we’re constantly being bombarded by upcoming schedules or competing for the most interesting Instagram profile. Don't be the person who misses half of the movie you've been dying to see because you can't stop tweeting.
Give your mind the ultimate treat and spend a night technology free - no emails, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or internet surfing. This is your time to relax and do the things you haven’t gotten the chance to do before. Start with a night alone and slowly make your way up to a whole 24 hours. Trust us, your mind will thank you. It's hard to be techonolgy free in the communications world, but try this in the evening or on a Saturday or Sunday.